Below is a list of definitions of words from last month on I wish I could say that I could use each of these in a sentence but I can't. My best bet is Pin Money although I do like gimcrack. I challenge you to use gimcrack in a sentence.
jollification: merrymaking; revelry.
deus ex machina: an agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble difficulty.
bellwether: a leader or leading indicator.
ostentation: excessive or pretentious display.
camarilla: a group of secret and often scheming advisers.
importunate: troublesomely urgent.
woebegone: woeful; also, run-down.
voluble: characterized by a ready flow of speech.
afflatus: a divine inspiration.
pugnacious: combative; quarrelsome.
caesura: a break or pause in a line of verse; also, any break or pause.
salubrious: healthful.
abulia: loss or impairment of the ability to act or to make decisions.
pin money: money for incidental expenses; also, a trivial sum.
miasma: a thick vaporous atmosphere, often noxious.
objurgate: to scold or rebuke sharply.
roister: to revel; to carouse.
inveigle: to persuade or obtain by ingenuity or flattery.
portent: a sign or omen.
lambaste: to scold sharply; also, to beat.
chimera: a mental fabrication.
lionize: to treat or regard as an object great interest or importance.
ubiquitous: being everywhere.
winsome: light-hearted.
epigone: an inferior imitator.
confluence: a flowing or coming together.
posit: to postulate; also, to suggest.
maelstrom: a large, powerful whirlpool; also, a violent, disordered, or turbulent state of affairs.
gimcrack: a showy but useless or worthless object.
lenity: the state or quality of being lenient.