OK, I'm so having an organizational problem at home and at work. I have been struggling with my home office / studio and keeping it looking like an actual functional room. Same at the work office.
I wish that reading organizational books would "poof" make my office clean and tidy. My problem is that I hate to get rid of anything. I hold a monetary value or a sentimental value to most things. Here is my thinking...someone gave it to me as a gift and therefore I can never get rid of it. It would be a sin. Or it's paid for and instead of donating it to a charity I could sell it and make a few bucks. (Who wants to buy some wine corks?)
I recently picked up the book Organizing for the Spirit - Making the Details of Your Life Meaningful and Manageable. The author is Sunny Schlenger. I must admit I am not very far in the book. (pg.14)
One of the first discussions is about playing detective with yourself to see what your decor says about your style and interests. OK, I'm looking around....HOW MANY F-ING BOXES DO I OWN. I'm scared. The photo above is the tip of the iceberg. Why do I love boxes so? I don't use half of them but I am so attracted to them.
I know people like my Mom and one of her sisters who were obsessed with dolls. They did not have dolls as children and as adults went almost overboard with dolls. Not cool collectible dolls on the shelves but crazy beat up dolls that they would rescue from garage sales and flea markets. My Mom had a giant box of dolls in the spare bedroom of her house. She said they were "for the kids" but I know they were for her. My sister once commented that she could not sleep well in that room with all of those orphan dolls staring at her.
With that said, I'm back to wondering what my connection is to boxes. It's not like I was deprived of boxes as a kid. I do like the old Lane Cedar Chest jewelry boxes that once upon a time they gave to girls graduating from high school. I love these because they normally have a city name printed inside the box. I'd probably die if I ever found one with a key. I have a hard time not "rescuing" these when I go to flea markets. I'm thinking this might be one of my "connections" to boxes. I never had one of these boxe as a teen. Also my Uncle gave my sister, his god-daughter, a full sized cedar chest for her birthday once when we were kids. I lusted over that chest forever. (Thou shalt not covet - but I did)
I also like Polish wooden boxes. You can see a few in the photo. This is a connection to my Polish heritage. They just make me feel good.
I'm going to work through the exercises in the Organizing for the Spirit book and see if I come to any other conclusions about my boxes and clutter issues. I will keep you posted. I am just hoping that someday I am not featured on that show hoarders.
Help me Jesus.