Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thelma and Louise without the excitement of Brad Pitt

Went for a drive yesterday with a friend. The morning started as any good morning should, with strong coffee and a decadent Krispy Kreme donut (or ten).
My friend had some books she wanted to sell at Bookmans so we hit all three in Tucson. Wow. I had never been there before. What a treat.
This place is amazing. They sell new and used books, CD's, games, jewelry and decorative items. So fun. The place is very organized with a system for dropping off books that they may purchase from you. You can either be paid in cash or a little more for in-store credit.
I was on the hunt for some used copies of the Steig Larsson trilogy. I found two out of three of the books I was looking for at the last stop.
We hit a couple of thrift stores and ended the day with a beautiful drive home with some pretty clouds compliments of mother nature. A great way to spend a day indeed.

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