Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hummer Happy Hour

It's April in Arizona. I had noticed lately that my hummingbird feeders were draining quicker than usual.
Gee, I wonder why? I think the word is out that it's Happy Hour at Cornflake Girl's house.

I think the migration has started. My friends in the Midwest are anxiously awaiting their first sightings.

By the way, I LOVE the feeder in my photos. It is plastic and comes apart easily for a good cleaning. If you feed hummingbirds do not let your feeders get moldy as this can harm the birds.

I also make my own syrup. Here is a recipe and some tips for feeding hummingbirds.

Boil four cups of water.
Remove water from the heat.
Stir in one cup of white sugar.
Cool the syrup before filling feeder.
NOTE: Do not use honey, which can cause a fatal fungal infection on the birds' tongues.
NOTE: Do not add food coloring to the solution. It's not necessary, and it may be harmful. Even a small spot of red on the feeder will attract hummingbirds.
You can store the extra syrup in the refrigerator for a week.
Hang the feeder where you can see it from a window.
Clean the feeder at least once a week. In warm weather, you may need to change the syrup and wash out the feeder every day. Don't let the syrup turn cloudy in the feeder — that's mold. It will make hummingbirds avoid your feeder, and it may make them sick.
If ants discover the feeder, discourage them by applying petroleum jelly to the wire that suspends the feeder.

1 comment:

Jason, as himself said...

Hummingbirds are always so enthralling. I love the shot of all the hummingbirds perched on the feeder. Such a rare sight.