Monday, January 17, 2011

Mostly Fugly but Oh So Decorative

Ok, so we had a disaster in my home office whereby the plumbers had to come and dig a hole in the concrete, fix some pipes, re-cement and then put the carpet back two weeks later. (whew, was that a sentence or what?)

This disaster forced me to take most of the furniture and items in my closet and move them to the garage. Today the carpet came back on the floor and we are done with the plumbing issue. So, this provides me with an opportunity to open boxes I have not opened since before we moved in the house. (hmmmm maybe 5 years).

I unearthed a box aptly labeled "ugly decanters". Yup.I don't now why I have these or even boxed them up. The one on the left has a body that does not match the head. The other is a musical hillbilly decanter.

Up for grabs ya'll.

I should put these on my other blog What I Did Not Buy Today, but obviously I bought these once when I may or may not have been drunk.

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