Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Day at Chandler Harley-Davidson

Yes, I know. My blog has no real theme. It's sort of schizophrenic as far as topics go, but as you can see there are so many interesting things going on in this world and I love checking it all out.

This weekend I went from watching Pro Beach Volleyball to an event at Chandler Harley-Davidson in Chandler Arizona.

They had quite a few events going on at this dealership. Attendance was good and you can see why. First there was the bike wash featuring girls in bikinis washing motorcycles while wearing high heels.

Next there was a bikini contest.
One young lady's talent was standing on her head. Of course I captured the moment when she toppled over.

Of course we found Waldo. That guy sure gets around. (In red and while stripes)
There was a tattoo contest.

There were free hot dogs and raffles. A good time was had by all.

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