Sunday, September 14, 2008

LowRider Week

I know this blog is looking like a Lowrider show website but it's not. It's just that I had a few opportunities in the past two weeks to visit a few local shows and I thought I would share some photos. Now I guess it is Lowrider week on Cornflake Girl.

This weekend the Mesa Arts Center held some nice exhibits with themes of Lowriders and Tatoos and Lowrider art. I visited the show on Friday night. Wow, I was so impressed with the Mesa Arts Center. This was my first time there and I plan to go back soon.

The show started at 7pm so it was dark while we were strolling around drooling at cars. Below are some photos from the show for your viewing pleasure. You will notice that some of the same cars are seen from the Phoenix Lowrider Super Show.

Hot Stuff.

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