Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hell Freezes Over

Yes, hell has officially frozen over. I brought my lunch to work every day for a full week and actually ate it.

My husband T was laid off of his job last week. I need to start pinching pennies and one of my most extravagant expenses is eating out for lunch.

I normally go out to lunch partly because I enjoy it and secondly to get away from my desk for an hour each day. I find that when I bring a lunch I work at my desk and don't take a needed step away from my desk.

I have survived week one of penny pinching. You'll probably hear more than you want to about my spending withdrawal.


Speaking of consumerism. There was an article on AOl today about Hello Kitty products. I did a search and found some of the most disturbing Hello Kitty images. Who knew?

Who knew...Oh no you didn't!
Nothing says fresh like a Hello Kitty breathable pantyliner.

For those PMS days when your pantyliner fails you. Say Hello Kitty to my little friend....

A sure sign you have too much money....

Hello Kitty crop circles - I come in peace.

Trampy and all.... this will look good when you are in the nursing home and they are turning you over to change your diaper.

Nothing says prayer like a Hello Kitty Goth rosary.

Nothing says going to hell like a Hello Kitty Jesus Tattoo. So wrong.


I hear pink is the new barf.


Jason, as himself said...

these are funny! I have gone out to lunch every day this week. I must stop!

Anonymous said...

OMG! These are bizarre. Good kitty. I'm "trying" to bring my lunch to work also. I think I did it twice this week. Or was it once?

On Friday, I carried a banana to work, sat it on my desk and brought the brown bugger home from work. It had a nice day. And it wasn't even Take Your Banana to Work Day.

QCEVO said...

I practice "take your banana to work day" often. T sticks one in my purse every once in a while as a "hint". One week after a hard banana day at the office one fell out of my purse and under the seat of my car. I KNEW I smelled something. It took me a while to find it as it was black and I could not see it under the seat of my car as it was black too.